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Feeding On Jesus

Nov 28, 2022

Have you struggled to be comfortable in your own skin? If so, this episode is for you. Holy Spirit wants to communicate to the depths of our spirits the foundation of our identity: our Father's delight in us as His kids. 

Nov 21, 2022

"This is God's will for you..." that you would enjoy life to the full. Today, Holy Spirit teaches us that this kind of abundant life comes as we cultivate a lifestyle of gratitude. May our hearts overflow with thanks to Him this week and always. Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 14, 2022

How do you think and feel about your body? God has something to say about the subject. In fact, He is passionate about it. This week we explore His Word regarding His feelings about this very thing.

Nov 7, 2022

Being harsh with ourselves... it's easy to do. However, Jesus wants to teach us a better way. Today, He wants you to know that one of the greatest treasures He has called you to steward, is yourself. Learning to receive and agree with His cherishing of you is even a matter of obedience!