Dec 26, 2022
Do you ever worry about your future? About decisions lying before you? About how to invest your years? Rest easy. Your destiny rests in the hands of the most conscientious Administrator imaginable. God will steward the resource of your life span in a stunningly skillful and unimaginably loving way.
Dec 19, 2022
Does it feel like God has been silent for a long time? Today's message is one of great joy for you and me. This Christmas, the Savior of the world wants to pour new hope into our hearts!
Dec 12, 2022
Whether or not we realize it or not, Jesus is what our souls are longing for. He is the Desire of All Nations. Just like the Wise Men, let's go after Him with everything we've got this Christmas.
Dec 5, 2022
Do you struggle with guilt? That's a burden too heavy for you. Today, Jesus wants to lift that right off your shoulders. He wants to share with you His deep, deep compassion for your human struggle. He gets you, and He is not disappointed or mad.
Nov 28, 2022
Have you struggled to be comfortable in your own skin? If so, this episode is for you. Holy Spirit wants to communicate to the depths of our spirits the foundation of our identity: our Father's delight in us as His kids.