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Feeding On Jesus

Sep 25, 2020

Overheard: "They have no fear of bad news." Who are these people?? Let's find out as we continue our series this week on getting free from fear. Today we dive into two basic building blocks for a lifestyle of fearlessness. 

Sep 18, 2020

How can we possibly live fearlessly in a world where adversity is frequent and inevitable? Daniel learned a secret about this question. In today's episode, we explore what he discovered on the matter.

Sep 11, 2020

2020 has become something none of us will ever forget. However, something far worse has come against us than COVID-19 and societal upheaval. It's fear. With today's episode we begin a series on how to decisively conquer this enemy. We don't have to live afraid anymore!

Sep 4, 2020

These times we are living through are just so intense! And yet, God has proclaimed over us, "Arise, shine!" What is the brilliant light that will light up the thick darkness covering the earth? It's His supernatural JOY. Holy Spirit has a new impartation of His oil of joy for you... listen in and receive it today!